Monday, July 18, 2011

"ah ha moments in life"

I had one today.
Screw em'. everyone! SCREW EM' ALL. all the people who put me down. who say rude things, just to get a reaction out of me. I DONT CARE. your not nice. and when your not nice, i dont like you. so for now, we're not friends.

i had a really good talk today with one of my good friends. she has 6 adorable kids, and a lovely hubby that loves the crap outta her. she invited me, completly out of the blue, to come down ,to a family friend of hers, house to sit and talk and to just relax for a bit by the pool.

we started talking about the latest "scandal" on my FB page(which btw is deleted because those ppl decided they didnt want to look like the "bad guys" in this) and she could not believe that that was happening to me. and this random guy came up to us, over hearing our conversation of course, and put his two cents in. and what he said honest made a huge impact on me and my life. and i know that this random conversation with this random man with always stay with me.

he came over, putting his hand on my shoulder and said, " whatever your going through right now, will make you a stronger person. these people who have affened you  and your small family need to think one thing, and one thing only. WWJD? honestly!? he would be so proud of you for making the hard and difficult steps toward getting a temple marriage. and he can see in your heart that these intentions you have are pure. and that you are a good person. you shouldnt have to worry about what people think, especailly family. but if these people are giveing you a hard time, and treating you bad, they are NOT worth your time."

he then began to apologies for eves dropping on our conversation, which we thanked him for his thoughts and told him he was sweet. he later came over again and said, "i just realised why i was drawn to you, and why i like you so much. you share the same name as my youngest daughter in-law. Carly is a very sweet girl, and we love her so. so you bebrave, because your heavenly father will get you though this."

whoever he was, he was sent to me for a reason. i needed this talk more then ever before. and i thank him publicly, for all 4 people who actaully read this, so they know how much i apprecaite it and love him for that.

i know my heavenly father is looking out for me, and sending me little angles along my way to help me get through this. and i know that you all, espaecailly those who have commented my last post, have helped me in one way or another and i am lucky to have you in my life. because those kind words which were said helped me through taday. and i have had to remind my self today of the great friends that god has blessed me with and how much i love you all, and need you. and i thank you guy for being you, and for picking me up when i fell down.

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