Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bathroom Talk

" In general, Pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes"
- Steven H. Coogler

Oh, how right you are Coogler man. For instence, PUBLIC RESTROOMS..... who got together with the Idiocy commity and just thought "Hey, lets make everyone in the world feel EXTREMLY awkward. Lets do Public Restrooms......No Jerry, let me finish, not just one mens room with one toliet and one womens with one toliet; lets just put a whole bunch of toliets in one room and indivdualive them with a tin wall." Seriously people. Not the smartst choice ive ever seen made.

While on one of many D.I. runs I go one with my hubby, I descovered that i do not like to use public restrooms. Everything is always wet, smelly, and I swear everytime i  choose the stall who was previously occupied by a person who APPARENTLY had Mexican food for lunch.

Some ideas arent the best. Ill just leave it at that.

I know all bathroom talk is frank – and probably pretty gross – but the fact of the matter is we all go to the bathroom and at some time in our lives we will all be forced to use a public bathroom.  Nothing is more annoying than people lacking proper etiquette in this shared space.

For men, you just walk in, whip it out and do "yo bid-nes" in the urinal. But, for ladies, this is a bit more of a production. For instence:

The Tortoise and the Hare – These people drive me INSANE.  These are the people that time their bathroom breaks like they are running a marathon.  They literally marathon pee – they pee in a minute tops.  I’ve never seen anything like it.  What is your hurry?  I guess I pee more like the Tortoise.  I take my time…slow and steady.  These people that come in and pee ridiculously fast actually give me anxiety.  I don’t want to have an panic attack, because i cant keep up, every time I go to the bathroom because you’re in some crazy race with yourself to be the quickest pee-er in the world.  Congratulations!  You peed in 49 seconds flat.  It’s a new Olympic record.

What is this world coming too I ask!?! Seriously people, take your time. enjoy it. Dont mess the up the Public bathroom just because YOU dont have to clean it up. Thats just not nice, its called a PUBLIC restroom for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! This is freakin hilarious!
